Saturday, July 26, 2008

10 points for redefining "Hello World" in Java

Some code we never go back to. Like Java's Hello World... it has a main method which takes arguments and it always looks a little daunting. At someone had a bright idea and uses a static initialiser block to print "Hello World", and then promptly exits to stop the JVM looking for the main method and giving an error. I, for one, welcome our new "Hello World" overlords...


Abdullah Cetin CAVDAR said...

Thanks for your nice comment. :D

fritz42_male said...

Well, well, well

It's certainly a long time since Computer Supplies [Swansea] Ltd.

Are you still inhaling Pizzas?


Unknown said...

Fritz... Good lord... well, not so much inhaling... I'm more paced. I chew and everything.

Twitter me sometime... codepope on twitter.