Thursday, April 03, 2008

Thinking hard....

Well, I'm doing my usual thing of hacking code and then going into "This isn't right" rethinking, but I'm trying to push forward. The big mind blocker is making "the app" slick in the hand and until I get it in my hand, simulators don't really crack it.

Anyway, let's see what's been distracting me today....

First up, the news that Panasonic are putting plasma screens in phones which I'll admit is a place I hadn't really expected for anyone to do. The new twist, low power, apparently with the magic enabled by AbleComm's work on headsets. It'll be interesting to see how these pan out in practice.

John Cole's Balloon Juice analyse McCain's new ad and have worked out what the foundation of his policies are.

Oh My! SOOO CUTE but I'm still not getting one... unless it's that cute.

And another thanks to Balloon Juice for Mike Gravel's Helter Skelter... But heck.... I kinda like it as art.

Right, that's enough for the day.

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