Monday, July 06, 2009

Goodness, that long...

Goodness, has it been that long since I last posted? I've been kinda busy what with all the editor in chiefing at The H, I seem to have let things slip.

So, let's see what's on the agenda this week.....

1) Waiting for a new Mac Book Pro 17".... (Anyone want to buy a lovingly cared for aluminium Mac Book?)

2) Waiting for a Cusinart grill... Mmmm Bacon

3) Setting up Alfresco 3.2 which is out today, and writing some news about it

4) Going to Online Gaming High Scaling on Thursday

5) Looking forward to Charlie Brookers "You Have Been Watching" on Channel 4 tomorrow....

6) Deciding on something to write, software wise. I've been fiddling about with a "MST3K" library manager, but I think I might turn it into a general "What can I watch" application.

7) Writing something in a long quiet blog

8) Twittering @codepope

9) Oh, and the editor in chiefing thing....


Ian J Cottee said...

Link to 'The H' is broken m'lud

Codepope said...

Fixed it. Forgot about Blogger's "no protocol" rule. Joy of living with a CMS :)

雨水 said...

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午餐 said...

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boss said...

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